Friday, September 16, 2016

Harry Potter quilt complete!

So I'm thrilled to have another actual project done. I mean if you have seen my quilting habits you'd be thrilled also. I'm terrible about doing a quilt top then getting tired of looking at it so I put it away for a while. That while can be over a year on average. So when I get motivated to actually complete a project I'm thrilled.

I wanted to make sure I finished this quilt in time to go to the AQS show in chattanooga so I can show it off to the ladies at Spool. They were the ones to design the castle pattern I just worked it all into a lap quilt. It's almost a twin size so it can be used on the bed, but it's just a little short. I didn't manage to get the binding on it in time but the quilting was complete. I actually finished putting the binding on today.

Now to grab another one out of my to do pile. I've a few patterns and new fabrics to play with from the show (which that will be a different post), but I think I need to do at least one other before I start a new top. We'll see how my momentum is going. Sad to say my to do pile is still so much larger then my done pile. You can see below the two piles. I have 11 unfinished quilt tops waiting to be done and in possession of only 4 finished ones. I have done more quilts but most of those were given away to family and friends as presents.

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