Tuesday, February 5, 2019

State of the Blog

I'm going to try to keep up better with this blog then I have in the past. I've posted a lot of content lately and am trying to think of more. I want to use it to show off my quilts and help keep track of the quilting process I'm going through on some of my projects. I always like to be able to see where I started and the origins of some of the fabrics and patterns told as part of the quilt's story.

Every quilt tells a story from the quilter. It shows this persons likes, and what they may be focusing on at a particular time. The fabrics and patterns can tell a story of where they've been. No one but the quilter will know this story. If I share mine here more people can see them.

I plan on trying to do certain types of regular posts.

  • WIP on Wednesday to get my mind on something I'm working on or half started ideas.
  • Shop Hop on Saturday or Sunday. This won't be every weekend or even necessarily an actual shop hop I've done. Sometimes it will be planning for a trip or just talking about shops I visited while I was on vacation. It also may talk about past shop hops that I have completed while I wasn't blogging.
Now there are other ideas that I've thrown around in my head I would like to see a regular thing, but maybe not a weekly thing.
  • Fabric Party- So here can be two concepts. Pull a random fabric from the web or my stash and talk about it's designer and what I have that would pair with it for a great project. Or spot light recent releases from the web that I like and would like to get.
  • Video Vision- I usually watch YouTube videos while I sew. I use to have my computer read books to me with a free online text to speech software. The company that ran the app took away some of the voices it used and now it sounds too jarring to use for reading. With my recent video craze I thought I can spot light a YouTube video that I've watched that inspired one of my quilting ideas or projects. 
  • UFO - Once or twice a month I will talk about a UFO I have hiding around here. Some of them may eventually get picked back up and finished.
I'm still going to end a daily post with tea. One of the ideas of my blog was because I drink so much tea and love to see all the variety. If I do more then one post a day I plan on only doing one post that features a tea. 

Today's tea is a short one. It is one I have shown before. It's my Jasmine Silverneedle tea. I made a cup just before starting this post. I know the last photo of it I stole from another website, so this time I'm using mine. 

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