Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Million Hexies

I didn't do many things in April. I had a trip to Washington DC and didn't get much done. I did get a chance to go through and sort my scraps. That's when I got the idea of making a million hexies. Well probably not actually a million but I know it will feel like it when I'm done.

I read a while back where one quilter would go ahead and cut hexies out of her scraps after a project before going on. I thought this would be a good way to control the size of my scrap pieces. If they are smaller then my hexie template I will toss them unless I'm starting something immediately with them. If they are the size of a fat quarter I'm putting them in the stash for later. Anything between the two sizes will but cut up.

This controls the number of tiny pieces I keep and I'll have a lot of hexies for an EPP or well whatever I end up doing with them. For now, they're in a basket nearby. I figure one day I'll find a cute scrappy idea I can do with them. I may even get ambitious enough to make a grandma's flower garden with them.

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