I play a game called Ingress. Most people know of Pokemon go. It's the precursor to Pokemon Go. There are two teams Enlightened and the Resistance. I'm one of the Enlightened and they're nicknamed frogs. So when I saw this cute from fabric I had to have it.
When I was looking through my Modern Patchwork magazine for the other two projects I came across one that I think will fit these fabrics perfectly. I had not planned on doing this one but I think I can make the fabrics fit it so well. I may have to go back to my stash for more.
It's called Jams and Jellies by Gosia Pawlowska. Their sample is bright and colorful. I will most likely make mine a lot smaller then the one here. I am going to work on the logistics of that problem later. I'm kinda glad all of them come from the same source. It means I'm getting a lot of use out of this magazine.
Also check out Gosia's Flicker account. She has lots a beautiful work there.
Tea today was my Jasmine Silver Needle loose leaf tea. I got it from Teavana before they closed the store in our local mall in early 2018. This is going to last me a bit longer still. The sample picture is not mine, I did swipe it from Tevana's site.. I didn't get that much. It's a smooth Jasmine tea and one of the fancier ones. Because the store was doing random sales for stuff I caught it at 75% off one day. I almost wish I went ahead and got double what I did but I think I got a 4 or 6 ozs of the stuff when I bought it. These leaves are so light and airy that's a lot of tea.
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