Saturday, April 11, 2020

Mini Series Stitch Along.

We are about to enter week 4 of the Alison Glass and Guicy Guice mini-series stitch along. Week 1 was the log cabin block. Week 2 was the courthouse steps, and week 3 was the pineapple block. The patterns are so tiny but they are getting easier to stitch on such a scale. It's hard to tell from the photos, but I'm doing 4 1/2 inch blocks.

Last week I saw on Instagram where someone had done a spiral pattern with the pineapple block. I decided that was what I wanted. It took two days of work to make the block. The first day was mostly planning on where what went. I'm ready for the next block. I have the patterns for all the blocks and I can just start one, but I like seeing what everyone else is doing before I completely decide on mine. Plus I'm not 100% sure what's next.

Quarentine Stash buster

Fabric Selection
My local quilt shop has decided to do a stash diving mystery quilt. Since most quilters have a bit of stash built up it's easy to pull from and gives us something to share. You can find the clues on The Fiberology Lab's Youtube page if you want to join along. The current quilt is pretty simple so far, but we still have two more clues to go. I don't think she's going to do anything complicated to make it easily accessible for all sewing levels.

Latest units.
The first clue was fabric choices along with cutting instructions. I started with a batik jelly roll I had purchased recently and a couple of solids. I chose a dark blue background and a dark grey contrast. There is a lot of tonal difference between them and the strips, but I'm interested in what the final outcome is going to be.

Fabric Selection for the next mystery quilt.

Go watch the videos and play along. She's going to be doing a second stash diving mystery quilt next week. I got the fabric requirements for that one and got them ready to begin.

Tea today is actually a walk down memory lane. Over 10 years ago I stumbled into a tea room/ gastropub in Mobile Alabama. I don't even remember the name right now, but I had never been a tea room and it looked interesting. I was on vacation with my friends and they usually go along with my suggestions. I've been told I'm good at finding fun unique places. This one was near the university and it was my first experience with English high tea. I loved it so much, it made me want to look into more tea rooms after that. Now I've always been a tea lover but I think the experience made me obsessed.